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ADD: New function: CreateFrameBitmap - create a bitmap from the current frame of a movie.
ADD: New functions: SetAudioEnabled/GetAudioEnabled - enabling/disabling all flash sounds.
ADD: New property: StandartMenu - enabling/disabling the standart flash context menu.
ADD: Delphi 2005 is supported.
ADD: New events: OnDblClick, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp, OnClick, OnMouseDown.
ADD: New functions: GetUsingFlashVersion and GetInstalledFlashVersion.
ADD: new event: OnLoadExternalResource. The event OnLoadExternalResource is called when a movie tries to load an external resource (xml, jpeg, etc.) using a relative path. The event is called only if the movie is loaded from a stream.
ADD: Flash 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are supported.
ADD: the property SWRemote and the property FlashVars are not supported for Flash 6.
FIX: crashed on access to the property SWRemote and the property FlashVars under some subversions of Flash 6.
FIX: the hand cursor disappeared under win98/Me.
FIX: sound was interrupted sometimes if movie size is being changed.