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FIX: Symbols entered twice in the following case:"Run the handwriting recognition tool(Start > All Programs > Accessories > Tablet PC > Tablet PC Input Panel)Run the sample attached - and select any of the text boxes,Use your mouse to write something in handwriting tool - and click insert.The word will appear twice in the text box."
ADD: Dramatically improved the repainting performance in the transparent mode
ADD: Fullscreen mode is supported: AllowFullscreen. Read more about fullscreen mode here:
ADD: New function: FPC_QueryInterface
ADD: New function: FPC_GetHFPC
ADD: Transparency is fully supported
ADD: Ability to play Flash Video (FLV) directly from memory
ADD: New function: FPCIsTransparentAvailable
ADD: New function: FPCIsFlashInstalled
ADD: New function: FPCSetGlobalOnLoadExternalResourceHandler
ADD: New function: FPCLoadMovieFromMemory
ADD: New function: FPCPutMovieFromMemory
ADD: New function: FPCLoadMovieFromResource
ADD: New function: FPCPutMovieFromResource
ADD: New function: FPCSetEventListener
ADD: New message: FPCM_GET_FRAME_BITMAP - creating a bitmap from the current frame of a movie.
ADD: New functions: FPCSetAudioEnabled / FPCGetAudioEnabled - enabling/disabling all flash sounds.
ADD: New messages: FPCM_PUT_STANDARD_MENU, FPCM_GET_STANDARD_MENU - enabling/disabling the standard flash context menu.
ADD: Flash 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are supported.
ADD: New notification message: FPCN_LOADEXTERNALRESOURCE. The FPCN_LOADEXTERNALRESOURCE is sent when a movie tries to load an external resource (xml, jpeg, etc.) using a relative path. The message is sent only if the movie is loaded from memory.
ADD: New functions: GetUsingFlashVersion and GetInstalledFlashVersion.