F-IN-BOX DLL Edition Help >> Native Flash ActiveX Interface

External API

F-IN-BOX supports External API. You can call functions of a movie and a movie is able to get data from an application synchronously (instead of fscommand).

Call an ActionScript function from an application

Register your function using ExternalInterface.addCallback:

[ ActionScript ]
import flash.external.*;

ExternalInterface.addCallback("CallMeFromApplication", this, InternalFunction);

function InternalFunction(str: String): String {
    TextArea1.text = str;

    return "The function was called successfully";

Use function FPCCallFunction or FPCCallFunctionBSTR:

[ C++ ]
TCHAR szResponse[1024] = { 0 };

DWORD dwLength = sizeof(szResponse) / sizeof(szResponse[0]) - 1;


_T("<invoke name=\"CallMeFromApplication\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><string>Some text for FlashPlayerControl</string></arguments></invoke>"), 



AfxMessageBox(CString(_T("The function returned: ")) + szResponse);

[ C++ ]
BSTR bstrRequest = SysAllocString(L"Some text for FlashPlayerControl");

BSTR bstrResponse;

if (S_OK == 

	CString str = OLE2T(bstrResponse);

	AfxMessageBox(CString(_T("The function returned: ")) + str);



Call an application function from a flash script

Use flash.external.ExternalInterface.call:

[ ActionScript ]
on (click) {
    _root.TextArea1.text = flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("SomeFunction");

Handle notification FPCN_FLASHCALL:

[ C++ ]
LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (WM_NOTIFY == message) { LPNMHDR lpNMHDR = (LPNMHDR)lParam; if (m_hwndFlashPlayerControl == lpNMHDR->hwndFrom) switch (lpNMHDR->code) { case FPCN_FLASHCALL: { SFPCFlashCallInfoStruct* pInfo = (SFPCFlashCallInfoStruct*)lParam; CString str; str += _T("The request is: '"); str += pInfo->request; str += _T("'"); AfxMessageBox(str); COleDateTime now = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); FPCSetReturnValue(m_hwndFlashPlayerControl, _T("<string>Current time is: ") + now.Format() + _T("\r\nThis info is returned from the handler</string>")); return 1; } } ... }

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Macromedia and Shockwave Flash are trademarks of Adobe