F-IN-BOX DLL Edition Help >> Native Flash ActiveX Interface >> Methods



Pans a zoomed-in movie to the coordinates specified by x and y. Use mode to specify whether the values for x and y are pixels or a percent of the window. Pan does not pan beyond the boundaries of the zoomed-in movie. The argument type for all arguments is integer. The mode can be: 0 = pixels, 1 = % of window.


[ C++ ]


[ C++ ]
struct SFPCPan
    // [in]
    long x;
    // [in]
    long y;
    // [in]
    int mode;

    // [out]
    HRESULT hr;


[ C++ ]
void InvokePan(HWND hwndFlashPlayerControl, long x, long y, int mode)
    SFPCPan info;

    info.x = x;

    info.y = y;

    info.mode = mode;

    ::SendMessage(hwndFlashPlayerControl, FPCM_PAN, 0, (LPARAM)&info);

    if FAILED(info.hr)
        // Error
            // ...
        // OK

        // ...


Flash versions

3: supported
4: supported
5: supported
6: supported
7: supported
8: supported
9: supported

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