F-IN-BOX .NET Help >> Classes >> AxCode >> Events



[ C# ]
public delegate void OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPathEventHandler(object sender, String URL, Stream Stream, ref bool Handled);
public event OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPathEventHandler OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPath;


OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPath is called when flash tries to load a resource addressed by full (not relative) URL, for example: http://tratata/1.swf.

[ C# ]
private void OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPath(object sender, String URL, System.IO.Stream Stream, ref bool Handled)
	if (URL == "http://FLV/FlashVideo.flv")
		System.IO.Stream FromStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(Path);

		FromStreamToStreamWriter writer = 
			new FromStreamToStreamWriter(

		Handled = true;

[ VB.Net ]
    Private Sub OnLoadExternalResourceByFullPath(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal URL As String, ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream, ByRef Handled As Boolean)
        If URL = "http://FLV/FlashVideo.flv" Then
            Dim FLVStream As System.IO.Stream = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample2_SWF_FLV_Embedding.flashvideo.flv")

            ' You can write all content right here, but if FLVStream is BIG it takes long time
            ' The form will be unaccessible for user all this time
            ' Another option is to save Stream and write content in a separate thread
            ' You can find code example in the sample Sample1_SWF_And_FLV_Player

            Const nSize = 64 * 1024

            Dim buffer(nSize) As Byte

            Dim nReadBytes As Integer

            While (True)
                nReadBytes = FLVStream.Read(buffer, 0, nSize)

                If 0 = nReadBytes Then Exit While

                    Stream.Write(buffer, 0, nReadBytes)
                Catch e As System.IO.IOException
                    ' Loading is interrupted
                    Exit While
                End Try
            End While


            Handled = True
        End If
    End Sub

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