F-IN-BOX .NET Help >> Classes >> f_in_box__control and f_in_box__form >> Properties >> Native Flash Properties



[ C# ]
  1. Int32 FlashProperty_AlignMode;  


Integer value from range 0..15. This is the same as SAlign. 0 - no align, 1 - L, 2 - R, 3 - LR, 4 - T, 5 - LT, 6 - TR, 7 - LTR, 8 - B, 9 - LB, 10 - RB, 11 - LRB, 12 - TB, 13 - LTB, 14 - TRB, 15 - LTRB.

Flash versions

3: supported
4: supported
5: supported
6: supported
7: supported
8: supported
9: supported

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F-IN-BOX is a trademark of Softanics.
Macromedia and Shockwave Flash are trademarks of Adobe