F-IN-BOX .NET Help >> How to

Get a Snap image of the current Flash movie frame

You can get a bitmap image from the current frame of a flash movie. It means you are able create applications that can coverts Flash movies to a series of bitmaps, JPEGs and others. Also you can build generated images to make an AVI video for example. f_in_box__lib.f_in_box__form.GetBitmap() returns a bitmap with alpha channel.

[ C# ]
  1. Bitmap bmpWithoutAlpha = f_in_box__control1.GetBitmap();  
  2. Bitmap bmpWithAlpha = f_in_box__form1.GetBitmap();  
  3. ...  
  4. f_in_box__control2.TransparentMode = true;  
  5. f_in_box__control2.FlashProperty_Movie = "...";  
  6. Bitmap bmpWithAlphaToo = f_in_box__control2.GetBitmap();  

[ VB.Net ]
  1. Dim bmpWithoutAlpha As Bitmap = f_in_box__control1.GetBitmap()  
  2. Dim bmpWithAlpha As Bitmap = f_in_box__form1.GetBitmap()  
  3. ...  
  4. ...  
  5. f_in_box__control2.TransparentMode = True  
  6. f_in_box__control2.FlashProperty_Movie = "..."  
  7. Dim bmpWithAlphaToo As Bitmap = f_in_box__control2.GetBitmap()  

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